Winemaking View Brochures

Developments in winemaking methods in the last few decades have focussed increasingly on obtaining ever more rational production cycles. But these goals must always be reached by paying the utmost attention to respecting and exalting the qualities of the processed product. The Della Toffola Group’s modern technological solutions can be of great help in achieving these goals. Great attention has been paid to monitoring the operating economics of the various technologies involved, from receiving and storing the grapes to filtering and stabilizing treatments. There are no size limits to prevent winemakers from exploiting the benefits deriving from this approach, be they small-scale wine cellars or large winemaking industries. The menu on the left lists all the stages in the most modern winemaking processes in chronological order, from the arrival of the grapes to the packaging of the wine.

Each step is accompanied by a description and photos of the various technologies proposed by the Della Toffola Group, which can also provide:
• complete bottling systems
• nitrogen systems
• general machinery, including the design and supply of hydraulic and electrical connections
• wine cellar waste water treatment systems

All this enables the Della Toffola Group to offer an all-round solution for the design and supply of turnkey wine cellars.