Packaging & labelling technologies for wine, just as the bottling processes themselves, have advanced significantly in recent years. Della Toffola Pacific’s Managing Director, Paul Baggio, discusses these changes and the benefits to the business of…
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PACKWINE Forum & Expo 2021
We’re thrilled to have our Managing Director Paul Baggio be invited to speak at the upcoming PACKWINE Forum & Expo themed around ‘Adapting Packaging to the 21st Century: Innovation and Sustainability’. Della Toffola Pacific is supporting the event as…
Pontos Hills Winery
Amazing bespoke press install underway for Pontos Hills Winery in Tasmania – 3 x 240hL open cage presses, custom designed for premium whole-bunch white wine! Understood to now be the largest white wine pressing facility…
Beer recovery from lees using ceramic membrane technology
Amongst the most exciting developments in beer brewing have been developments in crossflow filtration, which has not only modernised the brewing process, but also reduced the production footprint at the same time. Della Toffola Group…
Game-Changing Technologies for Small Wineries
Written by Clark Smith INNOVATION #1: Maceration Accelerator Della Toffola “This is the brainchild of Dr. Richard Smart, who conceived the simple idea that skins would extract quicker if we chopped them up or, as…
Innovation improves bottling processes
Bottling line technology has advanced significantly in recent years. Della Toffola Pacific’s Managing Director, Paul Baggio, examines these changes and the benefits to winemakers with Grapegrower & Winemaker Magazine. Della Toffola is very well regarded…