Winemakers Battle Rising Power Costs

Recent articles in the Australian Financial Review and other leading publications have been vocal as to the challenges our wine industry is experiencing in respects to rising energy costs. Politics and energy infrastructure aside many local wine companies have chosen to take a front foot forward approach to energy security, buffeting their winery operations as to the rising costs of energy.

In the last years Della Toffola has been supplying Australian and New Zealand winemakers with technologies that have dramatically changed the traditional reliance on energy hungry glycol and ammonia refrigeration.

Reference the photo below of a 90kl/hr continuous float system. Winemakers as Delegat, Yealands, Indevin, locally Pernod, Accolade and Zilzie have invested in technology as floatation and high solids separation cross flow, moving from static tank juice clarification. Why expensive, energy hungry centrifuges?, why static tank infrastructure that requires jacketed tanks and energy hungry and dirty RDV’s? The modern winemaking landscape has dramatically changed and Della Toffola has shown how with better investment decision making winemakers do not need to be held ransom to energy companies.   

The Della Toffola CTS (continuous tartrate stabilisation) technology enables a continuous one step movement from cellar to bottle ready on demand. Yealands recently purchased their 10,000lt/hr system, and this follows the investments by Dorrien Estate in South Australia and Giesen Wine Estates.

·       The interest in CTS being not only the cost savings to energy (88% energy savings validated by the AWRI) yet savings to labour in the cellar and in providing solutions for reducing wine waste.

·       Savings as to water usage, and the impost on waste water treatment systems is also being viewed as a saving provided with investing in CTS.

·       Overall however it is the improvement in wine quality that gets impacted by achieving stabilisation on demand and in one movement. The reduced alleges and lower dissolved oxygen levels are a benefit. For wine exporters having a technology that provides process reporting on the stabilisation of the wines, ensuring a controlled, traceable process is an unexpected operational advantage that is driving interest also.

At the heart however is a system that is a standalone stabilisation system that does not require any proprietary membranes. A technology that is all stainless steel with no consumables (enabling a known payback on investment to be determined) delivers in continuous the stabilisation of wine at nearly half the energy loadings of the current winery process.

·       The modern winery can have front end winery juice clarification that does not require refrigeration cooling with clarified juice going direct to fermentation at Ambient. Furthermore a winery where the back end wine stabilisation no longer requires heavy fridge imposts using Continuous Tartrate stabilisation, with energy loadings quarantined to mostly fermentation loads. The modern winery can deploy proven processing technologies as the Della Toffola continuous floatation, high solids separation, Biothermo vinification and continuous tartrate stabilisation that have been validated to save the modern large scale winemaker significant money that is currently being spent on energy.  

If you would like to discuss further what Della Toffola is achieving with a host of technologies locally or abroad, please call Paul Baggio on 0412 251 975.